Rumi Essential

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Our Mission




1. To think deeply about something.

“we sat ruminating on the nature of existence”

Our brand was born to produce products and methods to help alleviate the emotional stress of the daily cycle. Roomi Essentials is a trusted partner to help cope with the daily wares of life. The Roomi Essentials brand will always be rooted in plant based sustainable solutions to help ease stress on the individual and the environment. Our products are USDA certified organic and 100% pure which translates into the highest possible quality.

Our logo was designed to reflect two symbols that represent our core mindset. One is the infinity symbol and the other is the cross. The infinity symbol represents a sense of balance and eternal energy. It reminds us to be mindful that we are infinite energy and to always choose a balanced approach to your perceptions of consciousness. The cross represents a symbol of positivity colored green and purple to represent health and hope.  Good Health, hope and positivity are required for a balanced state of well-being.

At Roomi Essentials we advocate for self-care to be practiced at the start your day and at the end of the day during your relaxation time. Stimulating brain function to get moving or to calm down enables your body to receive the proper signals to achieve the necessary mood.

Roomi Essentials focuses on mental wellness aka emotional wellness due to the fact mental wellness is often overlooked or not valued at the same level at physical wellness but is just as important. Emotional wellness controls learning, conflict management, decision making and regulates sleep. Plant extracts are ideal to incorporate into your daily mental wellness routine.

Absorbing essential oils by breathing impacts the Limbic system via the Ole Factory bulb located inside the nose. This powerful chain reaction reflexively induces diaphragmatic breathing which effectively calms and re-sets the nervous system. Proper breathing coupled with a quite environment is all the brain needs to slow down and for emotional control to begin.

Administering oils topically helps soothe a myriad of conditions such as headaches, eczema and sore muscles. Essential oil benefits are effective due to their potent biological activity. Absorbing oils into the skin delivers a host of biological benefits that include antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant depending on the plant. Utilizing essential oils is an all-natural alternative to drugs or chemicals. At Roomi Essentials we are dedicated with helping individuals achieve a balanced emotional state. 

We Provide The Highest Quality Essentials Oils For The Best Price

Inhaling our oils coupled with proper breathing techniques will induce a sense of calm and allow for decompression and relaxation from daily wares. When essential oils are inhaled the natural scent molecules travel from the olfactory bulb to the center of the brain and impact your Limbic system. The Limbic controls emotions, motivation and behavior. Our goal is your relaxed state of mind.

Why Choose Us

It’s pretty simple but very effective


Quality products that will improve your mental health


Great customer service to go along with great products


Essential oils are our lives, let us share our experience.

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